

In line with the Common European Framework of Reference for Modern Languages Learning by Translating has been conceived as a resource and a pedagogic tool for the acquisition of communicative language competences through real life written receptive and mediating communicative activities, from B1 up to C2 level. With particular reference to the translation task itself the present volume endeavours to provide teachers of English and translator trainers with a methodology for guiding their students in producing, to the best of their abilities, a translation which is not only accurate, consistent, and complete, but also effective in terms of the communicative situation it is intended for.


Dettaglio pubblicazione

  • Pagine: : 286
  • Lingua: : Inglese
  • ISBN: : 978-88-7553-004-4
  • Altro: : Illustrato

Info sull'autore


Sara Laviosa is Research Fellow in Translation Studies in the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature at Bari University. She has taught in the School of Languages of Salford University and her areas of research include Corpus-based Translation Studies in which she has published numerous articles and authored Corpus-based Translation Studies.


Valerie Cleverton teaches in the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature at Bari University. She has also taught in Italian high schools and her areas of research include applied linguistics, in which she has published articles for LEND (Lingua e Nuova Didattica) on teaching methodology, and women's studies.

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